Tuxedos and suits share many of the same features, but there are some key differences that set them apart both in style and when you should wear them.

Tuxedo & Suit Jacket Lapels

The main difference between a tuxedo and suit is the fabric and shape of the lapel. On a suit the lapel is usually a notch or peaked style and is made from the same fabric as the rest of the suit. However on a tuxedo the lapel is often a shawl of peaked style and made from satin or a grosgrain silk. Some modern tuxedos may limit the use of satin to just a trim down the edge of the lapel, and while this may not be traditionally correct they are often still treated as tuxedos.


The buttons on a tuxedo are usually covered with the same satin that is used on the lapel whereas on a suit the buttons could be plastic, bone or covered with fabric.


Tuxedo trousers feature a stripe or braid of satin down the out-seam that matches the satin on the lapel. While suit trousers are usually simply made of the one fabric.


Suits can come in a range of colours that can give flexibility, such as lighter colours such as greys, blues and creams, or darker colours like the traditional black, charcoal and navy. On the other hand tuxedos are only available in dark colours, usually traditional black or midnight blue.


A white dress shirt with either a wing or turndown collar is worn with a tuxedo. With suits you can wear any dress or business shirt in a range of colours and patterns.


Neckwear is a must for a tuxedo and they are usually worn with a bow tie, however it is becoming more common and acceptable for men to wear a long tie with their tux. It is generally more common nowadays to wear a long tie with a suit, however a bow tie or even no tie at all can be just as acceptable.


You can choose to wear a waistcoat or a cummerbund with a tuxedo. Waistcoats or vests can also be worn with suits.


Typically black patent leather shoes are worn with a tuxedo whereas you can wear a range of shoes such as oxfords, loafers and slip ons with a suit.


Tuxedos are more formal than suits and it is generally considered that they only be worn in the evening (after 6pm) and for celebratory events such as weddings and galas. As such you wouldn’t wear a tux during the day, to a funeral or to work.

Suits can be worn any time of the day or night and are often worn as business attire. Suits can also be worn to celebratory and formal events depending on the style and suit colour.

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