There are some simple steps that you should do in order to take care of your suit so that it lasts for many years.

Pressing Your Suit

The best way to press your suit is with a steamer. A steamer will also help prolong the life of your suit and help remove some odours,. Dry irons can burn the fabric and add a sheen.

If you are not able to get it looking great at home with a steamer take it to your dry cleaners and get them to press it for you.

Cleaning Your Suit

You shouldn’t take your suit to the dry cleaners every week just because you think that is the right thing to do. Over cleaning can be just as bad for a suit as not cleaning as you can wear away the fibres. Rather use your sense of smell to judge when to take your suit to the dry cleaners, if it’s starting to smell a bit then it’s time to get it cleaned.

If you spill something on your suit make sure you spot clean it as soon as possible to prevent staining. Use a soft cloth with some water and gently damp the area by pressing, don’t rub as this can damage the fibres and spread the stain.

If you have a steamer at home you can use it to remove some odours and freshen up your suit.

Hanging Your Suit

Suits should always be hung up, but make sure you are hanging them correctly. Don’t use cheap wire hangers as this can damage the fabric and deform the shape of your suit. You should use plastic or wooden hangers that have curved edges that fill out the shoulders.

Hanging your suit also helps it air out removing some odours and any moisture.

Suit trousers can be hung over the clothes hanger bar, just make sure to fold the trouser legs along any pressed creases.

Travelling With Your Suit

There are a few options when it comes to packing your suit for travel. You can choose to use a garment bag and hang the suit jacket and trousers up. Some garment bags are designed for travelling and will fold in half again to conserve space.

If however you can not take another piece of luggage with you and you need to pack your suit in your suitcase you can fold your suit. There are many different ways to fold a suit.

Once you get to your destination unpack your suit as soon as possible and hang it up so that it can air out and relax into its natural drape again. If needed get your hotel to press your suit.

Storing Your Suit

If you need to store your suit, maybe because it’s a heavy woolen suit and you won’t wear it in the summer, make sure you have it dry cleaned first. If you can store it in your wardrobe the best option is to hang it in a garment bag so that it doesn’t get creased and no dust or dirt can get on it.